I'm using the excellent twitter-bootstrap-rails gem. There is a helper within that gem (NavbarHelper) which is used to generate Bootstrap navbars with a Ruby helper. I want to monkey patch the gem such that the dropdown lists won't have carets.
So, I looked into the source and found the relevant method here. All I have to do is override it. I created a new file in config/initializers called navbar.rb
with the following content:
NavbarHelper.module_eval do
def name_and_caret(name)
Presumably, all of the dropdown titles then should be rendered as "HELLO WORLD" in my app (as referenced by the gem source). However, this is not occurring, and the gem does not appear to be monkeypatched at all.
I tried placing puts NavbarHelper.methods - Object.methods
in the initializers file, and there were no results, which makes me think that Rails is not loading the gem correctly before the initializers. I have also checked and verified that the gem is not using autoload for its helpers.
What may be complicating this is the fact that my Gemfile
includes the gem in the following manner:
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', git: 'git://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails.git', branch: 'bootstrap3'
I'm not sure if this specific versioning means the monkeypatching doesn't work.
It seems there is only one version of the gem on my system, so I don't think that's the issue. Also, I have tried placing require 'twitter-bootstrap-rails
at the top of the initializers file, with no results.
The problem is that you patch the method on this module but the module already got included at this point. Try to define this in your application_helper.rb
def name_and_caret(name)
super("blub #{name}")