I pulled this code from http://blog.shay.co/newtons-method/:
//a - the number to square root
//times - the number of iterations
public double Sqrt(double a, int times)
if (a < 0)
throw new Exception("Can not sqrt a negative number");
double x = 1;
while (times-- > 0)
x = x / 2 + a / (2 * x);
return x;
What is a good rule of thumb for the number of iterations on a number, if one exists? (For example, "Use n/2 iterations".)
What is a good rule of thumb for the number of iterations on a number, if one exists?
Newton's method has quadratic convergence, ie. at every step of the algorithm, the number of significant digits in the answer doubles. Thus the algorithm computes square roots upto D digits of precision in O(log D)
time. Thus the number of iterations in your loop will depend upon the accuracy expected. So to have a fine grained control over the accuracy of the result, you can add a check in your code that returns the answer when the estimate is not outside the error bounds.
public double Sqrt(double a){
if (a < 0)
throw new Exception("Can not sqrt a negative number");
double error = 0.00001;
double x = 1;
while (true){
double val = x*x;
if(abs(val-a) <= error)
return x;
x = x / 2 + a / (2 * x);