Following procedure returns the address of of a zero terminated string:
GetExecutablePath proc
local hInstance:HMODULE
local szFileName[MAX_PATH]:BYTE
invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
mov hInstance, eax
.if hInstance == NULL
xor eax, eax
invoke GetModuleFileName, hInstance, addr szFileName, sizeof szFileName
.if eax == 000h
xor eax, eax
lea eax, szFileName
GetExecutablePath endp
In my main procedure, I would like to copy the content of this address into another local variable:
local szPath[MAX_PATH]:BYTE
invoke GetExecutablePath
I only found a way to copy(mov) the address of eax to a local variable, but I am looking for a way to copy the referenced content to a new variable.
You are trying to access a local variable that has already gone out of scope. This is a bad idea. Instead, you should rewrite your GetExecutablePath
function such that it accepts a pointer to a buffer.
To answer the question anyway: technically, you would use some form of memory block copy.
PS: you don't have to zero eax
when you know it's already zero ;)
PS #2: you should forget about masm's high-level directives such as .if
or .while
and use the appropriate asm constructs instead. If you are a beginner you should learn those, and if you are not, then it's no extra effort and you'll at least know exactly what you'll get.