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Online Sitemap Generators not working, how can I Generate a Sitemap?

I have tried various tools online, but no matter what I do, I get around 880 webpages generated from sitemaps online. I even paid for a service that rendered only 880 webpage urls in a sitemap.xml file.

There are over 1,000 members on this site, and each of the members have a webpage for themselves on the site, so I should get at least 1,000 results. Why am I only getting approx. 800 - 900 results?

Sites and software that I used for generating an XML file:

Google Webmaster Tools is telling me that there are over 2000 urls. Why can I not find all of these and generate a sitemap from them all?

The site is:

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • iu'm checking your site with internal tools and also online tools and until now i get more issue on several pages as connection timeout and so on. you may take a look here :

    enter image description here

    I will complete my check in 20-30 minutes then i will update you with more info and log too if is possible. Also i confirm that error seems real coz i checked some link from my server in england and from server in USA and both give me issue on related pages.So it could be possibile that there's some wrong stuff. I will update you soon as possibile.

    Hello guy, i'm sorry but i have to go may check by yourself with this free tools (it use java) Sitemap Generator online free