I'm pretty new to iPhone dev, so any help is appreciated.
I am creating an action sheet within a function and adding it to the current view. I have the sheet delegate as 'self' and the action sheet is not retained. Is there a function like the datePicker's didSelectRow? Something like "didDismissWithButtonAtIndex" or something that lets me detect when an action sheet is closing?
Thanks, Mike
The UIActionSheetDelegate method – actionSheet:didDismissWithButtonIndex:
is what you're looking for. From the documentation:
Sent to the delegate after an action sheet is dismissed from the screen.
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
The action sheet that was dismissed.buttonIndex
The index of the button that was clicked. The button indices start at0
. If this is the cancel button index, the action sheet is canceling. If-1
, the cancel button index is not set.Discussion
This method is invoked after the animation ends and the view is hidden.