I am designing a graph using Dygraph range selection option.The graph is represented using Vertical bars instead of line series. I have cases where there are more than two y-values for single x-value. Is it possible to give different colors for different bars when they overlap, so that identifying each bar becomes easy and usable. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Sunil
You can pass in an array of colors in the chart options:
g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("g_div"),
"X,Bar1,Bar2,Bar3\n" +
"1,10,11,12\n" +
"2,7,17,5\n" +
"3,6,23,12\n" +
"4,4,27,10\n" +
"5,3,30,23\n" +
"6,2,32,5\n" +
// options go here. See http://dygraphs.com/options.html
legend: 'always',
animatedZooms: true,
plotter: multiColumnBarPlotter,
colors: ["#00A0B0", "#6A4A3C", "#CC333F", ],
dateWindow: [0, 8]