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Strange behaviour on Realloc: invalid next size

I know there are tons of other realloc questions and answers and I have read almost all of them, but I still couldn't manage to fix my problem.

I decided to stop trying when I accidentaly discovered a very strange behaviour of my code. I introduced a line to try something, but although I don't use the value of newElems in main, the line changes the behaviour.

When the line is commented, the code fails at first realloc. Including the line, the first realloc works. (it still crashes on the second one).

Any ideas on what might be happening?

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Pqueue q = pqueue_new(3);
    Node a = {.name = "a"}, b = {.name = "b"},
         c = {.name = "c"}, d = {.name = "d"};

    push(& q, & a, 3);
    // the next one is the strange line: as you can see, it doesn't modify q
    // but commenting it out produces different behaviour
    Pqueue_elem* newElems = realloc(q.elems, 4 * q.capacity * sizeof *newElems);
    push(& q, & b, 5);
    push(& q, & c, 4);

    char s[5];
    Node* n;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 65; ++i) {
        sprintf(s, "%d", i);
        n = malloc(sizeof *n);
        n->name = strdup(s);
        push(& q, n, i);

    Node* current = NULL;
    while ((current = pop(& q))) {
        printf("%s ", current->name);
    return 0;

and the push function:

void push(Pqueue* q, Node* item, int priority) {
    if (q->size >= q->capacity) {
        if (DEBUG)
            fprintf(stderr, "Reallocating bigger queue from capacity %d\n",
        q->capacity *= 2;
        Pqueue_elem* newElems = realloc(q->elems,
                                        q->capacity * sizeof *newElems);
        check(newElems, "a bigger elems array");
        q->elems = newElems;

    // append at the end, then find its correct place and move it there
    int idx = ++q->size, p;
    while ((p = PARENT(idx)) && priority > q->elems[p].priority) {
        q->elems[idx] = q->elems[p];
        idx = p;
    // after exiting the while, idx is at the right place for the element
    q->elems[idx].data = item;
    q->elems[idx].priority = priority;

The pqueue_new function:

Pqueue pqueue_new(unsigned int size) {
    if (size < 4)
        size = 4;
    Pqueue* q = malloc(sizeof *q);
    check(q, "a new queue.");
    q->capacity = size;
    q->elems = malloc(q->capacity * sizeof *(q->elems));
    check(q->elems, "queue's elements");

    return *q;


  • Thank you all for the suggestions! I wouldn't have solved it without them,

    The strange behaviour was caused by an off by one error. I was reallocating the queue only when q->size >= q->capacity, but since q was indexed from 0, it meant that before realloc I was writing in a forbidden location (q->elems[q->size]), which messed everything up.