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Rails4 + Json API : Increase detail of response

I'm a newbie on RoR (and Ruby). I need a little help about a json response (with Grape).

This is the sample:

      events: [
            'some data':'some data',
             place_id: 1

Now this is the result of Events.all in Rails, but I want to make for each event a query for the place, to have more data instead only id. I'm sure that new lambda function can help me, but for now I have no idea about to make it. I'm trying without success...

Thanks in advance


Desired result

          events: [
                'some data':'some data',
                 place : {
                   id: 1,
                   name: 'Blablabla'


  •     :events => events.as_json(include: :place)

    This is a useful for my problem. After add belongs_to, obviously.
