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Adobe Brackets IDE & CORS when developing locally

Since Brackets seems to start a new instance of Chrome, (how) can I make it start Chrome with the --disable-web-security option, in order to get around CORS problems when developing both the client & server on my local machine?


  • From How to Use Brackets - Live Preview:

    Live Preview currently has a few other important limitations:

    • It only works with desktop Chrome as the target browser.
    • Opening the Developer Tools in Chrome will close the live development connection.
    • Files must be inside your "project" (the root folder you currently have open in Brackets).
    • Only one HTML file can be previewed at a time. If you switch to a different HTML file in Brackets, the browser preview will switch to that new page as well.
    • Updating pauses when the HTML is syntactically invalid (e.g. after you type '<' for a new tag but before you type the closing '>'). The line number and Live Preview icon turn red in this case. Brackets will resume pushing changes to the browser when syntax becomes valid again.

    If you want to achieve what you want, edit the source code of Brackets IDE.