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TableSorter : how to export results to csv?

TableSorter is a great jquery script to sort html tables with many options.

But I don't know how to add a simple 'export to csv' button (or link) to get a file containing the records of my table (with no special formatting).

I know the Output Plugin but it seems far too complex to me.

Thanks by advance for your help !



  • It's actually not complicated, it only looks intimidating because of all the options. The output widget can output csv, tsv, any other separated (space, semi-colon, etc) values, javascript array or JSON.

    If you are just using basic functionality, the default settings will:

    • Output csv to a popup window
    • Only include the last header row
    • Only include filtered rows (so all rows if the filter widget isn't even being used)
    • Will only output the table cell text (ignores HTML)

    All you would need is this code (demo):


    <button class="download">Get CSV</button>
    <table class="tablesorter">


    $(function () {
        var $table = $('table');
            theme: 'blue',
            widgets: ['zebra', 'output']

    I created another demo, showing all options, with a set of radio buttons which allow the user to choose between sending the output to a popup window, or downloading the file.


    <label><input data-delivery="p" name="delivery" type="radio" checked /> popup</label>
    <label><input data-delivery="d" name="delivery" type="radio" /> download</label>
    <button class="download">Get CSV</button>


    var $table = $('table');
        // get delivery type
        var delivery = $('input[name=delivery]:checked').attr('data-delivery');
        $'tablesorter').widgetOptions.output_delivery = delivery;        

    So, you can make it as simple or complex as you want (see the actual output widget demo which allows the user to set almost all the options).