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EJB as Web service with transaction inside

I have a little problem with my web service. I exposed my EJB as a web service with annotations.

My other web services are working but this web service doesn't work. In the method I need to do some transactions.

Here is my EJB exposed as web service:

@WebService( endpointInterface="blabla.PfmOverview",serviceName="PfmOverviewWS",name="PfmOverviewWS" )
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=DateAdapter.class, type=Date.class)

public class PfmOverviewBean implements PfmOverview 

    SessionContext sessionContext;

  public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionContext)
    this.sessionContext = sessionContext;

public PfmOverviewDto getPfmOverview(  YUserProfile userProfile, BigDecimal portfolioId,@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=DateAdapter.class, type=Date.class) Date computeDate ) throws Exception

    YServerCtx serverCtx = new YServerCtx( userProfile );
    UserTransaction ut = null;

        ut = sessionContext.getUserTransaction( );
        ut.begin( );
        PfmOverviewDto dto = new PfmOverviewBL( serverCtx ).getPfmOverviewDataPf( portfolioId, computeDate );
        ut.rollback( );

        return dto;
    catch( Throwable t )
        if( ut != null )
            ut.rollback( );
        SLog.error( t );
        throw ( t instanceof Exception ) ? (Exception) t : new Exception( t );
        serverCtx.disconnect( );

When I call my web service in the client side (generated automatically with ws import), I get a NullPointerException at this line:

ut = sessionContext.getUserTransaction( );

Do I add annotations for the UserTransaction or anything else?

I am working on Eclipse and Jboss 6.2 as 7.


  • I solved this problem. In fact I kept the @Resource and @TransactionManagement annotations. I changed my SessionContext into EJBContext and I also changed my setSessionContext like this:

    EJBContext sessionContext;
     private void setSessionContext( EJBContext sctx )
        this.sessionContext = sctx;

    And in my method, to get the userTransaction I do:

    UserTransaction ut = null;
        ut = sessionContext.getUserTransaction( );
            ut.begin( );
    //here I'm calling DB access etc: result = blabla....
            ut.rollback( );
            return result;
        catch( Throwable t )
            if( ut != null )
                    ut.rollback( );
            SLog.error( t );
            throw ( t instanceof Exception ) ? (Exception) t : new Exception( t );