I have to get the user's plain password for LDAP authentification and then retrieve LDAP user informations in the Active Directory with Symfony2.
* @Route("/infos-profil/{id}", name="infos_profil")
* @Template()
public function infosProfilAction($id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$user = $em->getRepository('MyUserBundle:LdapUser')->find($id); // Find User Entity
if (!$user) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find LdapUser entity.');
$login = $user->getUsername(); // Login
$pass = $user->getPlainPassword(); // Password
$ds = ldap_connect(""); // Domain connexion
if ($ds) {
$r = ldap_bind($ds, $login, $pass); // LDAP User connexion
if ($r) {
$filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=".$login.")(cn=*))";
$sr=ldap_search($ds, "ou=DOMAIN, ou=Test, ou=Users, dc=ats, dc=lan", $filter);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr); // Retrieve user's Active Direcory informations
return array(
'user' => $user,
'info' => $info,
But it doesn't work, $pass
is empty. When I put the plain password manually in the ldap_bind()
function it works perfectly, I just have to get the plain password ! ...
Is it possible ?
You don't need the user's password to retrieve information about them from active directory. Once they are authenticated simply look them up via LDAP using their username, with either an anonymous connection or failing that, a known privileged account.