For my SpecFlow tests, I want to setup an individual logging / tracing of the test progress during the execution of tests. E.g. i want to write
to the windows event log (in order to synchronize it with event log messages generated by other system components during the test).
I tried to use the [BeforeFeature], [BeforeScenario], [BeforeStep] Hooks for doing that, but it turned out that I do not have all the required information within this hooks. E.g. i do not know how to get the current text line of the current step executed (including line information, etc.) or the result (failed / passed) of the current step.
Is there a way to get this information within those hooks or in any other way during the execution of the test?
If not: Is there a way to customize the trace output created by Specflow in any other way?
In order to provide a custom implementation of ITestTracer you should create a plugin for SpecFlow.
Create a class library project with a name CustomTracer.SpecflowPlugin. CustomTracer is your name of choice for plugin.
Then put the following code into your new assembly
[assembly: RuntimePlugin(typeof(CustomTracer.SpecflowPlugin.CustomTracerPlugin))]
namespace CustomTracer.SpecflowPlugin
public class CustomTracerPlugin : IRuntimePlugin
public void RegisterDependencies(ObjectContainer container)
public void RegisterCustomizations(ObjectContainer container, RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration)
container.RegisterTypeAs<CustomTracer, ITestTracer>();
public void RegisterConfigurationDefaults(RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration)
public class CustomTracer : ITestTracer
// Your implementation here
Compile assembly and put in the project folder where your specs are (where .csprog file is).
Edit app.config, specFlow section to include:
<add name="CustomTracer" path="." type="Runtime"/>
That is it. Your plugin should load and your custom ITracer implementation should be called during scenario execution. You can even debug it, if you run scenarios under debug.