Search code examples

How to know the closest iBeacon

I have a code to know which beacon is the closest, but I have a problem when a beacon's accuracy is -1.00000, the the app takes the second one.

So there is a bucle that seek for the closest beacon looking for others and comparing the one closest with the others found around. Then when I know which is the closest one I show it's view to the user, but when other beacon is closer to the ipad the view is close and the view is shown.

I'm using iOS 7.1 and 7.0.4 on 2 iPads, first is iPad3 and the second one is an iPad Mini Retina.

Here you have the code:

    - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didStartMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region {
    [self.locationManager startRangingBeaconsInRegion:self.beaconRegion];

- (void)initRegion {
    NSUUID *uuid = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"];
    self.beaconRegion = [[CLBeaconRegion alloc] initWithProximityUUID:uuid identifier:@"com.devfright.myRegion"];
    [self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:self.beaconRegion];

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didEnterRegion:(CLRegion *)region {
    NSLog(@"Beacon Found");
    [self.locationManager startRangingBeaconsInRegion:self.beaconRegion];

-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didExitRegion:(CLRegion *)region {
    NSLog(@"Left Region");
    [self.locationManager stopRangingBeaconsInRegion:self.beaconRegion];
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didRangeBeacons:(NSArray *)beacons inRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region {
    CLBeacon *beacon = [[CLBeacon alloc] init];
    CLBeacon *closestBeacon = [[CLBeacon alloc] init];
    closestBeacon = [beacons lastObject];

    //Search for the closest and show the view
    for (int i=0; i<beacons.count; i++) {
        beacon = beacons[i];
        if (beacon.accuracy < closestBeacon.accuracy && beacon.accuracy != -1.000000 && beacon.minor != closestBeacon.minor && beacon.proximity != CLProximityFar) {
            closestBeacon = beacons[i];
            //NSString *closeAccuracy = closestBeacon.minor.stringValue;
        NSLog(@"\nActualBeacon:%@\nAccuracy:%f", beacon.minor.stringValue,beacon.accuracy);
        NSLog(@"\nCloserBeacon: %@\nAccuracy:%f", closestBeacon.minor.stringValue, closestBeacon.accuracy);

    NSLog(@"\nClosestBeacon: %@", closestBeacon.minor.stringValue);
    if (viewShown == NO) {
        if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"1"]) {
            actualSection = 1;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"2"]){
            actualSection = 2;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"3"]){
            actualSection = 3;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"4"]){
            actualSection = 4;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"5"]){
            actualSection = 5;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"6"]){
            actualSection = 6;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"7"]){
            actualSection = 7;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"8"]){
            actualSection = 8;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"9"]){
            actualSection = 9;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"10"]){
            actualSection = 10;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"11"]){
            actualSection = 11;
            [self immediateDetection];
        }else if ([closestBeacon.minor.stringValue  isEqual: @"30"]){
            actualSection = 30;
            [self immediateDetection];
    } else if (viewShown == YES) {
        if (closestBeacon.minor.integerValue != actualSection) {
            //Alarm: Beacon 11
//            if (closestBeacon.minor.integerValue != 11 || closestBeacon.minor.integerValue != 10) {
                [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
                //actualSection = 0;
                viewShown = NO;
//            }
- (void)immediateDetection
    viewShown = YES;
    if (self.presentedViewController)
    if (actualSection == 1) {
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 1;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 2){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 2;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 3){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 3;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 4){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 4;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 5){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 5;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 6){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 6;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 7){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 7;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 8){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 8;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 9){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 9;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    }else if (actualSection == 10){
        ThiefAlarmViewController *thiefAlarmView = [[ThiefAlarmViewController alloc] init];
        [self presentViewController:thiefAlarmView animated:NO completion:nil];
    }else if (actualSection == 11){
        ThiefAlarmViewController *thiefAlarmView = [[ThiefAlarmViewController alloc] init];
        [self presentViewController:thiefAlarmView animated:NO completion:nil];
    }else if (actualSection == 30){
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = 30;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;

When I know the closest iBeacon I show it's view, but when it's accuracy is -1.00000 and compare to others the app takes the second one cause the first has it's accuracy = -1.00000 .

Hope anyone can help me cause I don't know what to do, maybe this is an iBeacon problem, but I think there is a solution for this issue.



  • First of all: Replace your long else/if of locationManager:didRangeBeacons:inRegion: with:

    if (([closestBeacon.minor intValue] > 0 && [closestBeacon.minor intValue] <= 11) || [closestBeacon.minor intValue] == 30)
        actualSection = [closestBeacon.minor intValue]; 
        [self immediateDetection];

    Replace your long else/if in immediateDetection with:

    if ((actualSection > 0 && actualSection < 10 || actualSection == 30)
        SectionViewController *sectionView = [[SectionViewController alloc] init];
        sectionView.section = actualSection;
        [self presentViewController:sectionView animated:NO completion:nil];
        sectionView.lbl_name.text = self.lbl_name.text;
    else if (actualSection == 10 || actualSection == 11)
        ThiefAlarmViewController *thiefAlarmView = [[ThiefAlarmViewController alloc] init];
        [self presentViewController:thiefAlarmView animated:NO completion:nil];

    That should save you a lot of code.

    For your issue, you could to this:

        NSPredicate *predicateIrrelevantBeacons = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(self.accuracy != -1) AND ((self.proximity != %d) OR (self.proximity != %d))", CLProximityFar,CLProximityUnknown];
    NSArray *relevantsBeacons = [beacons filteredArrayUsingPredicate: predicateIrrelevantBeacons];
        NSPredicate *predicateMin = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.accuracy == %@[email protected]", relevantsBeacons];
        CLBeacon *closestBeacon = nil;
        NSArray *closestArray = [[relevantsBeacons filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicateMin];
        if ([closestArray count] > 0)
            closestBeacon = [closestArray objectAtIndex:0];
       if (closestBeacon)
       { //Do your thing }
       {//No relevant close beacon}