I am working with quite a large database containing a column called 'Species_name
' this is a factor column and includes the names of around 40 different species. As R is often case sensitive (particularly when plotting graphs) I was wondering if it was possible to write a line of code which formats all the species names in this column to Capital then lower case i.e. Brown crab, Blonde ray etc.
Apologies for my ignorance - I am new to R!
Many thanks!
You first need to define a function that transforms character
values to the case you want. R has built in tolower
and toupper
but nothing that capitalizes them the way you want.
capitalize <- function(x){
first <- toupper(substr(x, start=1, stop=1)) ## capitalize first letter
rest <- tolower(substr(x, start=2, stop=nchar(x))) ## everything else lowercase
paste0(first, rest)
Then you only apply the function to the levels of your factor variable. That's one advantage of factors:
levels(data$Species_name) <- capitalize(levels(data$Species_name))