I have a wordpress site on share-hosting server and I want to use a php script that it cannot run on the share-hosting one.
So I was thinking if I can have on Share-hosting (Server1) the wordpess site (http:// mysite dot com) and when someone types the url path (http:// mysite dot com/php-script) he will be directed to the VPS Server (Server2) which the php-script will run.
Is that possible? And how can I do it? If not what do you have on mind that I can do?
Thanks for your time :)
This is possible when you create different subdomains.
If you set up a subdomain in your DNS-settings like 'server2.address.lol', you can redirect everything for that subdomain to another IP-address and so to another server.
you just have to create an A-record.
After you set this up, you can redirect to the PHP-file on that subdomain. Example: http://server2.example.lol/script.php