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How to delay application startup to perform some initialization?

My application needs to fetch some resource bundles on Application Startup. I want the application to wait for these resources to be loaded and not serve any requests until this loading has finished. So i basically want good old java blocking behavior. Therefore i tried to place some blocking behavior into the Unit method beforeStart in the Global singleton object of my application.

object Global extends GlobalSettings {
  override def onStart(app: Application) {"begin: Global.onStart")
    val resourcesFetched = ResourceService.fetchResourceBundles()
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    Await.result(resourcesFetched, 30.second)"end: Global.onStart")

This approach currently works for me, but it looks awkward to me. Is there some other hook i should use? I haven't found something appropriate within the documentation.


  • If that is what you want Global.onStart is exactly what you should do, I'm pretty sure there isn't a better place where you can affect the start up process and make the entire webapp wait for it to complete.