I need to get the raw query as a string, something like this.
$query = 'SELECT p FROM GabrielUploadBundle:Image p WHERE p.upvotes > x ORDER BY p.createdAt ASC';
My custom "findAllNewestByVotes" method contains the query.
class ImageRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findAllNewestByVotes($maxvotes)
return $this->getEntityManager()
'SELECT p FROM GabrielUploadBundle:Image p WHERE p.upvotes > '.$maxvotes.' ORDER BY p.createdAt ASC')
* @Route("/world/front",name="world-front")
* @Template()
public function indexAction()
$images = $this->get('doctrine')->getRepository('GabrielUploadBundle:Image')->findAllNewestByVotes(50);
return $this->render('GabrielLayoutBundle:Worldpage:index.html.twig',array('images'=>$images));
What I need is something like $images->getRawQuery() // returns query as a string
Solution (reference to best answer)
* ImageRepository
* This class was generated by the Doctrine ORM. Add your own custom
* repository methods below.
class ImageRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findAllNewestByVotes($maxvotes)
return $this->getEntityManager()
'SELECT p FROM GabrielUploadBundle:Image p WHERE p.upvotes > '.$maxvotes.' ORDER BY p.createdAt ASC');
> create image repository
$images = $this->get('doctrine')->getRepository('GabrielUploadBundle:Image')->findAllNewestByVotes(50);
return the raw query as string like this
return objects like this
The raw query can be retrieved using:
FROM GabrielUploadBundle:Image p
WHERE p.upvotes > '.$maxvotes.'
ORDER BY p.createdAt ASC
But this is a simple query, why not use DQL and add the parameters separately (using prepared statements which are safe from SQL inject attacks)?
->where('p.upvotes > :maxvotes')
->setParameter('maxvotes', $maxvotes)
->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'ASC')
To be able to get the query (object) or query builder (object) from the controller you need to break the repository logic into 2 functions, one which builds the query and another which calls the query with parameters:
class ImageRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findAllNewestByVotesQuery($maxvotes)
return $this->getEntityManager()
->where('p.upvotes > :maxvotes')
->setParameter('maxvotes', $maxvotes)
->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'ASC');
public function findAllNewestByVotes($maxvotes)
return $this