I am new to android and I have a scenario here. I have an application that shows a list of items and on click of each list item, opens up an activity that will show an image and few other details. I have made this app in such a way that it will work offline.
But in case of Images, I used Android Universal Image Loader Library, but for this I see that the methods loadImage
and displayImage
need to be bound to an UI element. I want the app to download all the images when there is network and then when I open any ListView
item in offline mode then I want the image to be picked from cache
and displayed.
Can anyone of you suggest a way I can achieve this. On one of the similar queries I came across android executorService
. Should I be applying this?
Thanks in Advance.
aq.id(R.id.image1).image(imageUrl, true, true);
Where true, true is memoryCache and fileCache.