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How to write lp object to lp file?

I have been using lpSolve and lpSolveAPI. I build my constraint matrix, objective function etc and feed to the lp function and this works just fine. I want to save the problem as an lp file using write.lp and am having trouble. I keep getting an error telling me that the object is not an lp object. Any ideas?

> x1 = lp(direction = "min", cost, A , ">=",r,,3:13, , , ,FALSE)
> class(x1)
[1] "lp"
>write.lp(x1, filename, type = "lp",use.names = c(TRUE, TRUE))

Error in write.lp(x1, filename, type = "lp", use.names = c(TRUE, TRUE)) : 
the lp argument does not appear to be a valid linear program record


  • I don't think you can mix between these two packages (lpSolveAPI doesn't import or depend on lpSolve). Consider a simple LP in lpSolve:

    costs <- c(1, 2)
    mat <- diag(2)
    dirs <- rep(">=", 2)
    rhs <- c(1, 1)
    x1 = lp("min", costs, mat, dirs, rhs)
    # Success: the objective function is 3

    Based on the project website for lpSolveAPI, you do the same thing with something like:

    x2 = make.lp(0, ncol(mat))
    set.objfn(x2, costs)
    for (idx in 1:nrow(mat)) {
      add.constraint(x2, mat[idx,], dirs[idx], rhs[idx])

    Now, we can solve and observe the solution:

    # Model name: 
    #             C1    C2       
    # Minimize     1     2       
    # R1           1     0  >=  1
    # R2           0     1  >=  1
    # Kind       Std   Std       
    # Type      Real  Real       
    # Upper      Inf   Inf       
    # Lower        0     0       
    # [1] 0
    # [1] 3
    # [1] 1 1

    Getting back to the question, we can now write it out to a file:

    write.lp(x2, "myfile.lp")

    Here's the contents of the file:

    /* Objective function */
    min: +C1 +2 C2;
    /* Constraints */
    R1: +C1 >= 1;
    R2: +C2 >= 1;