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Using Semantic Zoom in Windows Phone

I am trying out released VS 2013 Update 2 and building a sample Universal Application.

As i found out, now Windows Phone supports multitouch by default, and this means new controls that previously weren't available.

I have tried to use simple Semantic zoom test

            <GridView Background="Red" ScrollViewer.IsHorizontalScrollChainingEnabled="False" ScrollViewer.IsVerticalScrollChainingEnabled="False"/>
            <GridView Background="Black" ScrollViewer.IsHorizontalScrollChainingEnabled="False" ScrollViewer.IsVerticalScrollChainingEnabled="False"/>

How can i make it happen on Windows Phone Emulator? Have tried the multitouch - didn't help


  • The SemanticZoom-control behaves different on Windows Phone 8.1 (compared to Windows 8). Instead of using multi-touch zoom to switch between the two views, you have to tap on the group header to show the ZoomedOutView. From this view, you can tap on an item to switch to its position in the ZoomedInView.

    This behaviour is similar to the application list on Windows Phone. The letters a, b, c etc. are the group headers of the ZoomedInView - when you tap on one of them, you will see a list of all letters (ZoomedOutView).

    Semantic"Zoom" might be a missleading name on Windows Phone...