we have integrated Paypal Express Checkout as payment method in a website. We have found out that there is a max amount of 10.000$ or 7000€ limit per transaction. Lucky we read it, because this limit is only in Live environment (in Sandbox there isn´t any limit and it´s working fine).
In order to workaround this, what we are trying to do is:
According to this we would have 3 transactions of 6.000€ and one more transaction of 1.000€.
I don´t know if this is the right approach, anyway we capture the first transaction ok. However, we are getting an "Authorization has already been completed" Paypal error when trying to capture the second transaction.
Do we need to send each capture with different transactionID? How should we do it?
See the comments above.
Actually the point is for Andrew Angell.