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command line/batch echo totalbytes sent and received in netstat /e

I know this is a duplicate in a way but the answer in Get some information from netstat -e in new batch file wont work on my batch. i know i'm missing something maybe its the OS i'm using (Microsoft Windows XP Professional/X86-based PC)i'm just not sure what it is.

netstat -e | find "Bytes"

works fine but

for /F "tokens=2,3" %a in ('netstat -e ^| find "Bytes"') do echo received:%a sent:%b


for /F "tokens=2,3" %a in ('netstat -e ^| find "Bytes"') do set received=%a&set sent=%b

wont work. What i need is just the number from received:74546759 sent:8593498 (74546759) to become a echo listed in the command line so i can set it as a variable in this batch. what i need to do is show the "Bytes" as Bytes received in a numerical value so i can set it as %R1% & %R2% If someone could have patience and fix my batch i would be a happy camper. thanks so much for any help. MANY THANKS to MC ND for his answer it worked perfectly now i have the problem of how to differentiate between the first received and the second to do the math. %received% always gives the last value and then the Kbs/s are always 0

@echo off
title command line/batch echo totalbytes sent and received in netstat /e
color 0b
netstat -e | find "Bytes" >NUL
for /F "tokens=2,3" %%a in ('netstat -e ^| find "Bytes"') do set "received=%%a" & set "sent=%%b"
echo %received%
sleep 1
netstat -e | find "Bytes" >NUL
for /F "tokens=2,3" %%a in ('netstat -e ^| find "Bytes"') do set "received=%%a" & set "sent=%%b"
echo %received%
set /a R1=%received%
if %R1% == %R1% goto R1confirm
set /a R2=%received%
if %R2% == %R2% goto R2confirm
set /a Bytes1=%R1%
if %Bytes1% == %Bytes1% goto Bytes1confirm
set /a Bytes2=%R2%
if %Bytes2% == %Bytes2% goto Bytes2confirm
set /a varia1=%Bytes2%-%Bytes1%
set /a answer1=%varia1%
echo = %answer1% B/s
set /a varia2=%answer1%/1024
set /a answer2=%varia2%
echo = %answer2% Kbs/s
set /a varia2=%answer1%/1048576
set /a answer2=%varia2%
echo = %answer2% Mbs/s
goto begin


  • Both for commands works from command line. To use it inside a batch file, double the percent signs

    for /F "tokens=2,3" %%a in ('netstat -e ^| find "Bytes"') do set "received=%%a" & set "sent=%%b"