i am trying to write a 3 table join query in HQL grails my 3 classes are:
class Domains {
String name
Date ets
Account account
static hasMany = [facebooks: Facebook, twitters: Twitter]
class Facebook {
Boolean activated
String name
String token
String pageId
String expiryTime
String scope
Date ets
String username
Domains domains
static belongsTo = [Domains]
class FbPosts {
String postId
Long commentsCount
Long likesCount
Long sharesCount
Date date
Date ets
String message
String type
Integer postImpression
Facebook facebook
static belongsTo = [Facebook]
i am trying to get fbPosts
related to a domain (domain eid). my current HQL query looks like this:
def fbPosts = FbPosts.findAll("from FbPosts as fb join Facebook as f on f.eid=fb.facebook_eid join Domains as d on d.eid=f.domain_eid where d.eid=?"[domain_eid])
def map = [fbPosts:fbPosts]
and does not seem to work. please help.
How about this then? The downside is that it will cause two separate database queries (unless the domains object already exist in the persistance cache).
def domainsInstance=Domains.get(domain_eid)
def fbPosts = FbPosts.withCriteria {
facebook {
eq('domains', domainsInstance)