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Empty UPDATE way slower than corresponding SELECT

I am using MySQL 5.1.73 with InnoDB

I have a very slow UPDATE query (about 10s), where the number of changed rows is (often) zero (it takes about the same time if there are a few rows changed):

UPDATE job_queue SET state=4 WHERE error_counter>=5 AND state=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (9.33 sec)

However, the corresponding SELECT is quite fast:

SELECT id FROM job_queue WHERE error_counter>=5 AND state=1;
Empty set (0.03 sec)

EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM job_queue WHERE error_counter>=5 AND state=1;
| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys                              | key                 | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | job_queue | index | Allinone,state_timeout,state_error_counter | state_error_counter | 5       | NULL | 13515 | Using where; Using index |

As you can see, this is (should be?) an indexed query, on a not-too-big database (about 9000 rows, although it does contain some blobs so the total DB size is about 800MB).

The questions are:

  • Why is the update so slow?
  • How can I debug it?
  • How can I speed it up?

UPDATE: I tried the same database on a different server with MySQL 5.5.35 (Debian wheezy default). The query is still fast, and the update is still slow, and there is still no explain for updates... I may try to upgrade to mysql 5.6 from dotdeb, or try mariadb. :)

UPDATE 2: I tried different row formats (dynamic and compressed), but it was not (significantly) faster either.

UPDATE 3: I updated to MySQL 5.6.17 (from dotdeb), and the performance is generally the same, but I finally got an explain for the update:

EXPLAIN UPDATE job_queue.job_queue SET state=4 WHERE error_counter>=5 AND state=1;
| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows  | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | job_queue | index | NULL          | PRIMARY | 8       | NULL | 70222 | Using where |

This only confirms what could be suspected all along: the UPDATE is not using any indexes. So the question remains: WHY?

I will try to create a minimal example that produces this behaviour; maybe in the course of that, I will find some answers....


  • I've found the problem! The state column was defined as char(1). Interestingly, SELECTs containing state=1 most of the times do use indexes, but UPDATEs never. However, specifying state="1" always uses indexes.

    So in summary, if col is a char and col is indexed:

    UPDATE table SET col=2 WHERE col=1

    will not use an index and thus be slow, whereas

    UPDATE table SET col=2 WHERE col="1"

    will use an index and thus be fast.