I am having a problem with Android java.util.concurrent.Executors.
I am trying to use newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor to run my runnable every x seconds.
I saw executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(myTask, 0, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
however it doesn't exists in Android.
The Android documentation link , does not give a clue how I should use the newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor;
Could someone give me an example how I should use it to run a runnable every x seconds? I know you can use Handler, but I am wondering how you can use SingleThreadScheduledExecutor to do the same.
Thanks in advance.
You can get an example here: http://www.java2s.com/Code/JavaAPI/java.util.concurrent/ExecutorsnewSingleThreadScheduledExecutor.htm
Actually Executors comes with Java 7 .