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Is there any way to disable nodes of treeview in ExtJS 4

My purpose is to disable certain nodes of treeview in the west region.

The below snippet shows it:

root: {
expanded: true,       
id: 'treeview1',
    children: [
               {"text": "Make Copy", 
                "leaf": true, 
                "**disabled**": true,
                "**hidden**" : true}

Why does the disabled and hidden property doesn't work in ExtJS 4.

Is there any plugin to achieve it.


  • The nodes in the treepanels are objects.

    It doesn't have disabled or hidden properties, but it has cls and with that you can add a display: none style to it which is hiding the node.


    1. in css file:

      .x-hidden-node {display: none !important;}

    2. in extjs code:

      root: {
          expanded: true,
          id: 'treeview1',
          children: [{
              text: 'Make Copy', 
              leaf: true, 
              cls : 'x-hidden-node'

    For the disabled functionality, you can use the treepanel's beforeitemclick event in which you can manually read the disabled property.


    Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
        listeners: {
            beforeitemclick: function(treeview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
                if (record.raw && record.raw.disabled == true) {                
                    return false;
                return true;
            itemclick: function(treeview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
                console.log(record, item);