Are there any Ruby gems/libraries that help you migrate from an old DB structure to a new structure? ActiveRecord migrations do a good job keeping track of a new db structure, but I wonder if there's something that helps you migrate an entire legacy db to a new structure:
transfer_from(:source_table => 'person', :destination_table => 'dudes_and_dudets') do
from :name, :to => :full_name
from :dob, :to => :age do |dob| # this would, for example, load the result
( - dob)/60/60/24/365 # of the block into :age
(I realize you could do these transforms just as easily with AR, but I'm hoping the magic library would have many more transforms.
I've begun working on this.
If anyone would like to give tips on a better/more idiomatic, or more efficient implementation, please let me know.
I now have this exact syntax working on the above github repository... plan to add a few rake tasks for mapping the old structure to new ActiveRecord classes, and more case anyone's interested.
It's also on gemcutter/rubygems: gem install legacy_migrations