I have the following data set in Sheet1
of an XLSX file data.xlsx
Prop1 Prop2 Prop3 Value1 Value2 Value3 A B C 1 2 3 D E F 4 5 6 G H I 7 8 9
I'm reading in the data use the xlsx
package via
> df <- read.xlsx(
+ file = 'data.xlsx',
+ sheetName = 'Sheet1',
+ header = TRUE)
Now I want to calculate the median of the entire set of values (1,...,9; across rows 1-3 and columns 4-6). However, I'm unable to coerce the data to be numeric.
> median(as.numeric(df[,c(4:6)]))
Error in median(as.numeric(df[, c(4:6)])) :
(list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
How can determine the median of this set?
One approach is to untangle or unlist
the data frame before calculating the median
> df <- data.frame(
+ Prop1 = c('A','B','C'), Prop2 = c('D','E','F'), Prop3 = c('G','H','I'),
+ Value1 = c(1:3), Value2 = c(4:6), Value3 = c(7:9))
> df
Prop1 Prop2 Prop3 Value1 Value2 Value3
1 A D G 1 4 7
2 B E H 2 5 8
3 C F I 3 6 9
> df.median <- median(unlist(df[,c(4:6)]))
> df.median
[1] 5