I wrote a VBA code which takes certain rows from am Excel sheet, and writes them into a TXT file. the code works great, but I have 2 problems -
I've added the "vbTab" character between each 2 cells that I copy, and in the TXT file it looks great - but when I try opening it again in Excel, each row appears in one single cell (text only in Column A), without any spaces, and it doesn't get into the columns like it should be...
In the TXT file, there's quotations (") at the start and end of each row - and it's not good for my use in the TXT files.
Here's the code:
For i = 1 To LastRow
For j = 1 To LastCol
If (j = 1) And (Cells(i, 1).Value = "~") Then
Exit For
End If
If Not IsInArray(j, IgnoreCol) Then
If j = LastCol Then
DataLine = DataLine + Trim(Cells(i, j).Value)
DataLine = DataLine + Trim(Cells(i, j).Value) + vbTab
End If
End If
Next j
If (DataLine <> "") Then
Write #FileNum, DataLine
DataLine = ""
End If
Next i
Thank you!
You should replace:
Write #FileNum, DataLine
Print #FileNum, DataLine
because Write #FileNum, DataLine
puts double quotes around the DataLine, so Excel treats entire line as one cell. Print does not include double quotes, so Excel can split the line into cells at each TAB character.