I have two classes MyArticle and Image.
public class MyArticle : IArticle{
public virtual List<Image> Images {get; set;}
public class Image{
public IArticle Article {get; set;}
using nhibernate mapping by code I mapped those
public class ImageMap : ClassMapping<Image>
public ImageMap()
ManyToOne(x => x.Article, m =>
public class MyArticleMap: ClassMapping<MyArticle>
public MyArticleMap()
Bag(x => x.Images,
c => { },
r => { r.OneToMany(); }
When tried to unit test mapping it failes with error {"An association from the table Image refers to an unmapped class: MyApp.Model.IArticle"}
Try this:
public class ImageMap : ClassMapping<Image>
public ImageMap()
ManyToOne(x => x.Article, m =>