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ID4175: The issuer of the security token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry

I am trying to implement a Simple STS web site alongside my MVC application in a development environment. I was able to get this working properly on my local machine. I would navigate to my MVC app, kicked out to the STS web application, I login, then am redirected back to my MVC app. This is not using AFDS by the way.

When I migrated this to my Development environment, I see similar activity but I get the error below when I login. I have checked about 20 times that my thumbprint in the MVC app is the exact same as the cert.

(The login is working fine as I don't get redirected until the authentication succeeds.)

Any guesses?

Error message I recieve:

ID4175: The issuer of the security token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry. To accept security tokens from this issuer, configure the IssuerNameRegistry to return a valid name for this issuer

web.config from STS website:

<add key="IssuerName" value="STSTestCert"/>
<add key="SigningCertificateName" value="CN=STSTestCert"/>
<add key="EncryptingCertificateName" value=""/>

web.config from MVC application:

    <add value="http://localhost/" />
    <wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="http://localhost:57543/mySTS/" realm="http://localhost/" requireHttps="false" />
    <cookieHandler requireSsl="false" />
      <!--Following are the claims offered by STS 'http://localhost:57543/mySTS/'. Add or uncomment claims that you require by your application and then update the federation metadata of this application.-->
      <claimType type="" optional="true" />
      <claimType type="" optional="true" />
  <issuerNameRegistry type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35">
      <add thumbprint="‎11111" name="http://localhost:57543/mySTS/" />


  • Copying your thumbprint adds hidden unicode characters. Try typing it in.