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How to copy directory with xcopy?

I am using Visual Studio 2012.

I have the following xcopy command

set myDir="$(SolutionDir)\MyFolder\MySubfolder"
xcopy /D /Y /I /G /R /E %myDir% "$(TargetDir)"

This only copies the contents of MySubfolder to the TargetDir. But I want it to create the whole folder.

  • Right now if I have:



  • And with my command I get:



  • I want:



I've tried several xcopy parameters but none seems to work.

Is there a way to accomplish this with xcopy?


  • You have to do as follows:

    set myDir="$(SolutionDir)\MyFolder\MySubfolder"
    xcopy /D /Y /I /G /R /E %myDir% "$(TargetDir)\MySubfolder"

    Include the folder you want in the target directory also.