I tried to use libpxx with G-WAN 4.3.14 , here's my original source code:
//#define USE_GWAN
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <pqxx/pqxx>
#ifdef USE_GWAN
#include "gwan.h"
#pragma link pqxx
#pragma link pq
#define print(x) xbuf_cat(get_reply(argv),x)
#define print(x) printf(x)
using namespace std;
using namespace pqxx;
int main(int argc,char** argv) {
char cstr[] = "dbname=censored user=censored password=censored hostaddr= port=5432";
connection C(cstr);
if(C.is_open()) {
} else {
return 200;
It's works fine when I tried to compile it normally:
g++ -lpqxx -lpq pg.cpp
But when I uncomment the //#define USE_GWAN
and tried it on G-WAN, it shows:
Error: pg.cpp
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltestn
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
3|#include "gwan.h"
5|#pragma link pqxx
6|#pragma link pq
8|using namespace std;
Update: different error shows up when closing G-WAN and the run it again:
Error: pg.cpp
gcc: error: user=censored: No such file or directory
gcc: error: password=censored: No such file or directory
gcc: error: hostaddr= No such file or directory
gcc: error: port=5432: No such file or directory
1|#define USE_GWAN
3|#include <cstdio>
4|#include <iostream>
5|#include <pqxx/pqxx>
6|#ifdef USE_GWAN
7|#include "gwan.h"
8|#pragma link pqxx
To run G-WAN, you must fix the error(s) or remove this Servlet.
all libs are installed correctly
/usr/lib/libpq.so -> libpq.so.5.6*
/usr/lib/libpq.so.5 -> libpq.so.5.6*
/usr/lib/libpqxx.so -> libpqxx-4.0.so*
is there anything that I should add to use libpqxx with G-WAN?
Move the 2 lines of code below at the top of your script:
#pragma link pqxx
#pragma link pq
They are currently lines #5 and #6 in your script.
G-WAN pragma directives should come first, before #includes
and conditional pre-processor commands (#ifdef
Also, in your C++ script, #pragma link directives are specifying libraries without double-quotes. All G-WAN examples involving pragma directives use double-quotes - which by the way is mandatory for strings in the C standard:
#pragma link "pqxx"
#pragma link "pq"