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SQL FOR XML multilevel from one pivoted table

I've been trying to use FOR XML without success to do the following.

Source table:

Country            | ID      | 1950        | 1955
Country 1          | 1       | 2.43        | 2.55
Country 2          | 2       | 4.54        | 42.15

Desired output:

    <loc name='Country 1' id='1' />
      <data year='1950' value='2.43' />
      <data year='1955' value='2.55' />
    <loc name='Country 2' id='2' />
      <data year='1950' value='4.54' />
      <data year='1955' value='42.15' />

Will it be necessary to unpivot for the dub element? I wanted the simplest SQL query possible. I think FOR XML is too difficult to use. You should be able to specify the hierarchy just using simple XPath on column names but it won't accept, for example, [dub/data/@year=1955/@value] as the name of the column [1950].


  • SQL Fiddle

    MS SQL Server 2012 Schema Setup:

    create table YourTable
      Country varchar(20),
      ID int,
      [1950] numeric(5,2),
      [1955] numeric(5,2)
    insert into YourTable values
    ('Country 1',           1,        2.43,         2.55),
    ('Country 2',           2,        4.54,         42.15)

    Query 1:

    select T.Country as 'loc/@name',
           T.ID as 'loc/@id',
             select 1950 as 'data/@year',
                    T.[1950] as 'data/@value',
                    1955 as 'data/@year',
                    T.[1955] as 'data/@value'
             for xml path(''), type
           ) as dub
    from YourTable as T
    for xml path('location'), root('locations'), type


        <loc name="Country 1" id="1" />
          <data year="1950" value="2.43" />
          <data year="1955" value="2.55" />
        <loc name="Country 2" id="2" />
          <data year="1950" value="4.54" />
          <data year="1955" value="42.15" />