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How to write a VBA script to insert, move and text wrap an image

I am making a VBA script to generate default pages for my template document, it is all going well except for when I try to insert an image that is right aligned and text wrapped. I used VBA many years ago only for excel so am not sure how to structure the VBA script. I started making the VBA script for the image by itself to be later integrated which you can find below.

What I want to achieve with the VBA script

  • For it to insert an image from a file within the same directory as the template file (do I have to put the full path or can I put a truncated one to specify that it will always be in the same directory?)
  • For the inserted image to be square text wrapped (default distances)
  • For the image to be aligned with the left margin relative to the line I have inserted it in
  • The height of the image is at 200 x 150

Would you kindly be able to help elaborate on the MWE I have below. Thank you:

Sub Insert_picture()
' Insert_picture Macro

    Dim imagePath As String
    imagePath = "C:\Users\Edoardo\Documents\My Work\PhD\SkyDrive\Tutoring\Houria\Image Replacement.jpg"

    ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddPicture FileName:=imagePath, _
    LinkToFile:=False, _
    SaveWithDocument:=True, _
    Left:=-5, _
    Top:=5, _
    Anchor:=Selection.Range, _
    Width:=200, _

    With imagePath
        .WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapSquare
    End With
End Sub


  • I worked it out in the end as follows:

    Sub Insert_SqWrap_Image()
        Dim shp As Shape
        Set shp = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddPicture( _
            FileName:="C:\Users\Edoardo\Documents\My Work\PhD\SkyDrive\Tutoring\Houria\Image Replacement.jpg", _
            SaveWithDocument:=True, _
        With shp
            .WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapSquare
            .Left = 246
            .Top = 50
            .Width = 250
            .Height = 188
        End With
    End Sub