I am trying to return some data from a subform I open with showdialog
I referred to this question on stack overflow: VB.NET Pass Data Between Forms
Here is the code. I know the code you write on the subform:
Public Property CustomerID as Integer
Private Sub OK_Click(s as Object, e as eventargs) Handles OK.Click
CustomerID = id 'pass the value here
Me.DialogResult = DialogResult.Ok
End Sub
But I dont know where to enter the code that goes in the main form
If frmChild.ShowDialog = DialogResult.Ok Then
MessageBox.Show("Customer ID: " + frmChild.CustomerID)
End If
I cant just paste this code anywhere. Do I make a Public sub to paste this code or is there another way. I just want to start reading data from subform as soon as dialog result gets ok
It depends on how you want to display your sub form. Do you want to display it as a result of a button click? If so, you could put your code into the button click event handler:
Private Sub _showSubFormButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles _showSubFormButton.Click
Dim frmChild = New SubForm
If frmChild.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
MessageBox.Show("Customer ID: " & frmChild.CustomerID)
End If
End Sub