@interface Entity ()
@property (assign) int searchTotalPagesAll;
@property (assign) int searchTotalPagesIdeas;
@implementation Entity
+ (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey {
return @{
@"Id": @"entity.id_entity",
@"name": @"entity.name",
@"coverage" : @"entity.coverage",
@"id_city": @"entity.Id_City",
@"countryCode": @"entity.countrycode",
@"keyword1": @"entity.key1",
... etc
Since mantle examples doesn't have a init method, where should I initialize those properties (searchTotalPagesAll, searchTotalPagesIdeas) for default values ? This model has internal methods that need this and several other properties.
Whether you create a Mantle model from JSON or otherwise, the model is initialised with [-initWithDictionary:error:]
. In your model class, you can add your defaults to the values used to initialise the model:
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {
NSDictionary *defaults = @{
@"searchTotalPagesAll" : @(10),
@"searchTotalPagesIdeas" : @(5)
dictionaryValue = [defaults mtl_dictionaryByAddingEntriesFromDictionary:dictionaryValue];
return [super initWithDictionary:dictionaryValue error:error];