I have a TextFlow that has an SelectionManager attached. I'd like to get the FlowElement that the cursor is inside of or if multiple lines are selected that the selection is inside of.
private function selectionChangeListener(e:SelectionEvent):void
var selectionState:SelectionState = e.selectionState;
var selectedElementRange:ElementRange = ElementRange.createElementRange(selectionState.textFlow, selectionState.absoluteStart, selectionState.absoluteEnd);
I found how to find the leaf element with the following method but still do not know how to find the element that contains the selection.
/** Returns the current FlowELement element at the currentStyleLevel */
private function currentStyleElement(absolutePosition:int):FlowElement
var e:FlowElement;
case TextFlow:
e = _textFlow;
case ParagraphElement:
e = _textFlow.findLeaf(absolutePosition).getParagraph();
e = _textFlow.findLeaf(absolutePosition);
return e;