i was trying to override this WndProc
in my win form application but got error IntPtr WndProc no suitable method found to override
. my code as follows
protected override IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
if (msg == NativeCalls.APIAttach && (uint)lParam == NativeCalls.SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS)
// Get the current handle to the Skype window
NativeCalls.HWND_BROADCAST = wParam;
handled = true;
return new IntPtr(1);
// Skype sends our program messages using WM_COPYDATA. the data is in lParam
if (msg == NativeCalls.WM_COPYDATA && wParam == NativeCalls.HWND_BROADCAST)
StatusTextBox.Items.Add(data.lpData + Environment.NewLine);
// Check for connection
//if (data.lpData.IndexOf("CONNSTATUS ONLINE") > -1)
// ConnectButton.IsEnabled = false;
// Check for calls
handled = true;
return new IntPtr(1);
return IntPtr.Zero;
anyone can guide me what i am missing. thanks
Your method signature is incorrect, Form.WndProc
you are overriding returns void
protected virtual void WndProc(ref Message m)
I don't know where you got that code, port from C++ maybe? but it won't work with a WinForms form.