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How to create account with Class of Service using SOAP Zimbra

Hi i need to create a user with Class of Service "stuff" on Zimbra. I am using zimbra soap services and mu request is:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
        <context xmlns="urn:zimbra">
        <CreateAccountRequest xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
            <a n="givenName">Mitar</a>
            <a n="sn">Mirić</a><a n="cn">Mitar Mirić</a>
            <a n="displayName">Mitar Mirić</a>

I tried to put cos (Class of Service) as a <a n="cos"> but it not worked. Does any one know how to create a user using soap and add him to COS called "stuff".


  • I have found the solution. I added <a n="zimbraCOSId"> and copy the id for stuff from LDAP.