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'module' object has no attribute '_version_'

I'm screwing around with python and its pandas library but I keep running into a problem. While copying through a tutorial, I try to get the version number for a couple libraries, but when I do so, I get the following: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_version_'.

Everything else works just fine, but it really doesn't like '_version_' for some reason. Anything I might be leaving out?

See below for the exact code.

import datetime
import pandas as pd
from pandas import *
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_version_'


  • Use double underscores..

    In [10]: pandas.__version__
    Out[10]: '0.13.1'

    Which is just a shorthand for pandas.version.version

    PEP8 suggests using __version__ as the global variable to store a version number. Most libraries follow this and then offer a more readable variable or possibly a function which outputs the version in a usable form (like Django for example).