Is there a way to get the following details for a given file from Hue? I mainly need the total blocks and replication factor of a given file
Total blocks (validated): 183 (avg. block size 133655481 B)
Minimally replicated blocks: 183 (100.0 %)
Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Default replication factor: 3
Average block replication: 3.0
Corrupt blocks: 0
Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %)
Number of data-nodes: 12
Number of racks: 1
Hue could get some of the info from WebHdfs if using Yarn/MR2 but right now it does not display it currently.