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Troubles with gentoo version on the robot Nao

I'm trying to install some software directly on the robot to have better access to the hardware (like microphones and camera). The problem is that there is no make, no gcc, nothing. I searched on internet on how to install gcc but nothing. All pages I found say it comes with gentoo distribution. Is there a way to install them? and if possible also offline? There is a virtual machine provided with the robot equipped with the building tools I can execute the ./configure and make of the software but when I copy the content to the robot I can't run make install since make is missing. Thanks


  • An easy way to do that is to install my program do a different folder than / and the data will be organized as it should be (bin lib include and share folders will be created) and I just need to merge the created folders with the ones on the target robot in /usr

    ./configure --prefix=/path/to/empty/folder


    make install

    finally copy the /path/to/empty/folder content to /usr on the robot