I have a Command Object that looks as follows...
class ACommand implements Serializable
ADomainObject bundleDef
I use a form to fill the Command then use a controller similar to this
def save(ACommand command)
I also added the following to my Config.groovy
grails.gorm.autoFlush = false
The problem is even when I don't flush (or even call .save()) it still save to the DB upon return. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a way around it?
Also tried the following
def save(ACommand command)
service.saveADomainObject(command.adomain) //save called in here if no error
catch(Exception e3){
// renders ...
This also does not work, even though the discard is called (I set a breakpoint) it still saves.
Update 2
I changed my service to look as follows
throw new InvalidObjectException("Blah Blah Blah")
It seems to save to the DB directly after the error is thrown. I also confirmed my service is transactional.
Update 3
Adding my service classes for reference
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
def saveADomainObject(def adomain, def test) throws InvalidParameterException, InvalidObjectException, Exception{
if (!test)
throw new InvalidParameterException("*")
if (adomain?.id)
if (!isValidBundleName(adomain, test))
//TODO: Make default.cannot.save.message
throw new InvalidObjectException("*")
errors = updateDomain(adomain)
errors = createNewdomain(adomain)
if (errors)
throw new Exception(errors)
protected def updateDomain(def adomain)
adomain.updatedBy = user
String errors=null;
if (adomain.getErrors().allErrors.size() > 0)
errors = adomain.getErrors().allErrors.join("\n")
return errors
private def createNewdomain(def adomain)
adomain.createdBy = user
String errors = null
if (adomain.getErrors().allErrors.size() > 0)
errors = adomain.getErrors().allErrors.join("\n")
return errors
This is how I managed to get it working...
First in the service I added the @Transactional(readOnly = true)
annotations based on this qoute
This version defaults to all methods being read-write transactional (due to the class-level annotation), but the listBooks method overrides this to use a read-only transaction:
That helped but now it wouldn't save period. So I tooke the .save() call out making my controller look like this...
def save(ACommand command)
service.saveADomainObject(command.adomain) //save called in here if no error
catch(Exception e3){
// renders ...
I needed the flush:true despite readding the autoFlush so I am not sure there.