I'm writing some BoxStarter scripts for unattended installation.
I've put some Write-Debug
in my scripts and would like to conditionally see their output.
Is there a flag I could run BoxStarter with (BoxStarter.bat PackageName -Debug
don't works)?
Same debugging idea: Is there a way to make BoxStarter/Powershell tell at which file and line it found the fatal error that makes it stop? I know BoxStarter packages get packed into a .nupkg file but maybe is there a way to retrieve original file and line?
If you use write-debug
then the output will appear in c:\chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\chocolateyinstall.log
To get good stacktrace info, I suggest wrapping the contents of your package in a try catch and in your catch block have it include:
Write-ChocolateyFailure 'MyPackage' $($_.Exception.ToString())