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CActiveDataProvider with a regular non-database array

I have an array of $items in Yii application which I want to paginate. The array is not related to the database so there's no condition to consider here, just a bunch of defined items that I need to display. So I'm trying to use the CActiveDataProvider like this:

        $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider($items, array(
            'pagination' => array(
                'PageSize' => 10,

        $this->renderPartial('view', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider));

Then in the view I'm trying to display the information:

      $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

I get a Call to a member function getDbCriteria() on a non-object fatal error which is totally understandable since my $items array is customized and not database related so my question is how can I go around this issue and is it even possible using the CActiveDataProvider?

If it's not, is there another way to create a pagination for a custom non-database related array?


  • There is CArrayDataProvider for this case.

    $dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($items, array(