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Disconnect From Facebook User On Quickblox Logout In iOS App

I have an iOS app where I'm trying to implement functionality so that a user who has logged in to QuickBlox via Facebook (via QBUsers logInWithSocialProvider)can logout and then log in as a different Facebook user.

I'm logging out using

[[QBChat instance] logout];
[QBUsers logOutWithDelegate:nil];

but when I login subsequently (again via QBUsers logInWithSocialProvider) the Facebook UI is not displayed - I'm logged in as the previous user.

How can I log out so that the user is disconnected from the facebook account they were previously logged in as and are able to login under a different account?


  • You have to clear cookies to completely do facebook logout

    Try something like this:

        // Clear cookies
        NSHTTPCookie *cookie;
        NSHTTPCookieStorage *storage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage];
        for (cookie in [storage cookies]){
            NSString* domainName = [cookie domain];
            NSRange domainRange = [domainName rangeOfString:@"facebook"];
            if(domainRange.length > 0){
                [storage deleteCookie:cookie];