Is there a way to compile files automatically in the right order. Seems like 'CompileAssemblyFromFile' do not care about dependencies before compiling. Way around ?
public bClass
public aClass FieldName; //Trows error not aClass type not found
Compile Order
1. bClass.css
2. aClass.cs
It works for me in either order:
var pro = new CSharpCodeProvider();
var assem = pro.CompileAssemblyFromFile(new CompilerParameters(), "path/to/bClass.cs", "path/to/aClass.cs");
// or
var assem = pro.CompileAssemblyFromFile(new CompilerParameters(), "path/to/aClass.cs", "path/to/bClass.cs");
public class aClass
public class bClass
public aClass FieldName;