Hi I'm using CustomObject to bulid friends list but I'm facing below problem. When I try to push a number to an array field it returns null value and the field is not updated but if I add it as a normal field (not pushing to array) it works fine.
Below is my code:
QBCustomObject friendsList = new QBCustomObject();
HashMap<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>();
fields.put("push[friendsId][]", "00001111");
and logcat shows below api request:
but if I use below code it works but not append to array. It adds new record:
fields.put("friendsId", "00001111");
Is there anything wrong with my way?
To update your record, your URL should look like
https://api.quickblox.com/data/Friends/id.json?push[friendsId][]= 00001111,
where id is a record id.
For example,
https://api.quickblox.com/data/Friends/111c0ec5535c12669c000721.json?push[friendsId][]= 00001111
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